What Can Florence Teach Us?
One of the largest blessings in life, but also the largest curse, is that life is full of uncertainty. This uncertainty gives us happy surprises and keeps us looking forward to tomorrow, or it leaves...
Why being unique is the best investment strategy
Being a copycat won’t serve you in life, and it won’t help in investments either! Your unique situation changes how you invest, so adopting someone else’s strategy won’t always work for you, even if it...
Of Markets and Midterms – how elections, trade, taxes, and immigration affect your investments
The important part of the 2018 midterms has come to a close, and markets are trading up following the election results. The Republicans maintain a slight majority in the senate, while Democrats gained majority in...
Why retirement is going out of style
Baby boomers are turning 65 at a rate of 10,000 a day, and the future of their retirement is plagued with doubt. 42% of these wannabe retirees have less than $100,000 in retirement savings, meaning...
Understanding our Short-Term Market Indicator
Short Term Indicator The Short-term Indicator gauge is updated every Monday morning and reflects our reading of the stock market at that point in time. Read More…
Understanding Leading Economic Indicators
Every economist, investment advisor, and person at the bar has an opinion on where the economy is headed. Regardless of education or experience, at least half of them will be wrong. John from Moody’s Pub...
Scamming the Elderly – Protecting Yourself Against Fraud
Americans got 26.3 billion automated calls in 2018, an increase of more than 45% over 2017. The prevalence of scams and fraud has grown as the internet allows people more access to the lives of...
INTRODUCING: The PIR Market Snapshot Segment
Starting today, PIR will be releasing an update every day about the current state of the markets, in 10 sentences or less. This way, you can learn about what’s moving the broad markets, what stocks...
UPDATED: Technical Gauge – Powell saves the day
We have updated our technical gauge in light of the recent market shift after Jerome Powell assured investors that the Fed will “act as appropriate to sustain the expansion”. This bullish tone has worked to...